
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Moral Education

We often hear people around us rumble that the world is in-every pad_shape. There is much of corruption, exploitation, merciless killings, terrorism, a luck of casteism and communalism, pollution, global unrest, mutual
hatred and a total crisis of character. Man, machine and money are the modalityrn day trinity. Morality is a casualty. Inflicting much(prenominal) miseries and sufferings on oaf fellow beings is the rule of the day. All this needs to be reformed. But who is to bell the cat? It is we, the children, who have to muster out the task.
Today the dire need of the hour is imparting of object lesson and spiritual education in schools, for the simple cause of fashioning the young ones strong, brave, courageous and valiant enough to fight the eonian list of evils.

Cast in the image of God, man possesses huge potential for creativity and innovation. Every child possesses the potential to bugger off the builder of an ideal society. What it needs is a proper mode of-education to mould the child in a way to accept him a useful, complete and perfect person. A rock-like character, spiritual light and the quest for truth should be drilled in the child at an early age. And from this firm foundation they can be taught mathematics to marine sciences and anthropology to aeronautical engineering.

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The sole purpose of education is to bob up a hold out mind in a sound body, to teach virtues of oneness, decency in public life, good manners and behavior and so on. The great goal of education is not to cosmetically furnish the minds to produce doctors and engineers but to develop the sense of right, duty, honour, hump of God and humanity.

Man is the centre from where forces radiate inward and outward. These cash in ones chips him an outward life and an inward existence. Schools must stress on reasoning faculty of man. He must be taught to turn self­ knowledge about what is his true place in the universe and his true relation with God.

A child should be taught about the various golden moral values and...If you fatality to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Inter microscope stage

Interstage is the first part of the stall cycle. It is where a cadre drops close of its life. It is during this time that a cell is either resting or getting ready for cell divergence. Interphase is the step before entering mitosis, which is the cell division of somatic cells used for everything except reproductive cells. It is excessively the step before meiosis, which happens in cells that are involved in sexual reproduction which influences germ lines or gametes, like ballock and sperm. Interphase is an important part of a cells life because this is where the cell grows and develops into a mature cell, and where the DNA is copied. We need DNA replication in order to duplicate the genetic material which allows cell division to happen. Without it, mitosis and meiosis would not be able to happen and we would die.
Interphase has cardinal phases in it. They are the G1 phase, the S phase and the G2 phase. In the G1 phase (the first gap), is where the primary growth occurs. It is the phase where the cell spend most of its life. The S phase is the synthesis phase to prepare for the new cell. This is where the DNA is replicated which produces two copies of each chromosome. The pop off phase of interphase is the G2 phase (second gap), it is where the cell continues to prepare for the new cell.

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It is the phase where chromosomes condense, replication of the mitochondria occurs and the formation of microtubules. When the G2 phase is completed it has completed the first portion of the cell cycle and can then go onto the M and C cycles.
During interphase there are stops along the way, like check razes. Each checkpoint, makes sure that the cell did its job in order for it to go onto the next phase. If at any point these cells run amok or run amok during the cell cycle it can result in malignant neoplastic disease. The reason is because cancer is a growth disorder of cells. The cells divide uncontrollably and form a mass of cells called a tumor. There are two growth factor genes,...If you want to get a replete essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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This seminar will present an overview of the knowledge etymon of the emerging heavens of study, the Microchip Technology. Microchips are small wafer of semiconductor materials, usually silicon, forming the base on which an integrated circuit is laid out, or much(prenominal) a wafer to crossher with its integrated circuit.

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Computers, cellular phones, and other digital appliances are now inextricable parts of the structure of new-made societies. That is, modern computing, communications, manufacturing and transport systems, including the Internet, all depend on the universe of microchips.
Indeed, many scholars believe that the digital revolutionâ€"brought about by the microchip revolutionâ€"was one of the most significant occurrences in the history of mankind. This seminar covers the basic concepts of technical details on the go on as well as additional information on its history, working, advantages and disadvantages. The microchip was first discovered by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby in 1958. Only a half century after their education was initiated, microchips have become ubiquitous. It works on the principle of RFID Technology.
in that respect are many advantages of microchips such as small size, less(prenominal) expensive, less fragile, high computational performance, high reliability....If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Membranes in Life

cells are present in everything that has life; in animals, humans, and, in plants. In other words, cells are an important piece in our body system, without them we would not even be alive. They leap piece of our metabolism, they are present in our blood Cells, bone marrow, and in everything that composes a living object. Therefore, as everything in this world ease up an anatomical structure, so does the cell, and an important divide of it, is the cell membrane.

Cell membrane (also known as plasma membrane) is a phospholipid bilayer, which has macromolecules that form one of the layers of the cell. It is made of 2 strings of phospholipids. This membrane has a structure like a capitulum with ii tails. The head is known as to be a Hydrophilic, which let on divides into two words, hydro which means water, and Philic that means lover, so technically it says that it is cute to water; the other side of the membrane is called Hydrophobic, it also divides into two words, like mentioned before hydro importee water , and Phobic meaning fear, or to be appalled of something, it is like for utilisation: when somebody is afraid of spiders, it is said that the person is Arachnophobic, (arachno is the scientific name of the spider), so, this is actually saying that the tails of the membrane are afraid of water.

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These heads and tails have star sign, from which the head part is attractive to water, and and then they will be located in the outside part of the membrane, this is because the cell is mostly made out of water, and it is also encircled by it. The tails are the opposite of the heads, they fear water, so they want to be as far from it as they can, and its polarity gives them the chance to form its own way of accommodation attracting to all(prenominal) other, in other words, the heads are facing outwards, and the tails inwards.

Phospholipids surface from a chain of organic compounds called Lipids. They are a study part of the cell membrane; they create the semi-impermeable...If you want to bring out a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Maverick Wave

insurrectionists Wave
The freedom fighters is one of the most world famed big stray break in Northern California. It is rigid about half a mile from the shore of backbone Point Harbor just north of Half moonlight Bay, California. The argona is a shallow near shore take down in the locality of the San Gregorio wrongdoing, a major active fault within the San Andreas fault system. Motion on the fault partition off has uplifted and deformed the rocks in the bea near Mavericks into the S and J shaped folds we see on the seafloor (NOAA National nautical Sanctuaries). It contains the biggest swings that attract many surfers around the world. In the Mavericks it contains teras wave faces, tidal waves, bottom friction, ripples, and high velocity waves. Why are the waves in the Mavericks so giant or what makes them so giant?
The goal I would like to achieve is to explain what causes the Mavericks waves to be so enormous then in any other surf spot. I will explain the physical geographics of the surrounding water and land.
When understanding in some situation the geography behind the waves at Maverick there are many complicated things to take into consideration; for instance flow measurements, wind speed, isobar charts, atmospheric weather maps, etc.

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In the book, Mavericks: The Story of Big Wave Surfing, the author Matt Warshaw explains that the Mavericks begin as an atmospheric dimple in the North Pacific (Warshaw 2000). In which it grows into a low-pressure system, the corkscrewing centre between an arctic air mass and a fastball ocean-heated air mass (Warshaw 2000, p. 43). Then the low-pressure system matures along the west-to-east atmospheric highway also known as course stream; then a storm will incite slowly along the jet stream that would produce the hulky waves (Warshaw 2000). When the waves are created we have to take into consideration that the bottom of the wave since it is a great factor in why the Maverick waves are so giant. In the water of definite depth, waves act with the bottom to start to...If you want to get a adept essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Lasik Surgery

Lasik Surgery
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wake up in the mornings and be able to see clearly without put on your glasses? For many Americans this is a dream they have, to be able to see without glasses. About seventy five per centum of adults in the United States use some sort of tidy sum correction. Of these about a million people each grade choose to get corrective eye surgery done. shopping mall surgery can be traced all the way clog to the early 1900s with Jose Barraquer who discovered that cutting thin hoo-hahs in the cornea and reshaping it would alter ones viewing perception of the world. By the 1970s many doctors were researching and utilizing the methods of use lasers to help with eye surgeries. Dr. Steven Trokel patented the use of the excimer laser in 1980, with the first surgery performed in 1987. Over the past xx years laser eye surgery has progressed very rapidly, with the mental picture refractive keratectomy (PRK) in the 80s and LASIK eye surgery in the 90s. In addition to PRK and LASIK there are advanced surface ablation, phakic intraocular lenses, semiconducting keratoplasty and intracorneal ring segments.(Picard, 2010)(Percentage, 2006)
Forms of Lasik
Lasik, more commonly known as laser eye surgery, is utilize to correct astigmatisms, hyperopia, and myopia.

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Lasik reshapes the cornea improving your batch with less pain and a faster recovery period than alternative methods. After being FDA approved in 1992 for its noteworthy use, the technology used has been further developed with faster lasers, bladeless flap incisions, larger spot areas, and wavefront techniques.(Wikipedia, 2012)
Wavefront, which is a form of Lasik, is used to gain a more optically perfect eye. Patients expect to be more satisfied with this type of Lasik surgery as opposed to the other forms. The wavefront machine measured the prescription of the eye and then plots a specific laser ideal aimed at resolving the imperfections in the eye. This method also reduces the circumstance of...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Lab 5

ET 282 Laboratory 5

ET 282 Fall 11
October 4, 2011
Arthur Calbert


The purpose of this testing ground was to get us more familiar with the fundamentals of the lab, as well as the equipment, requirements, and terminology. Similarly the purpose of this is to get us to learn how to apply the concepts into building the circuit using the Altera software

business Statement:
In this lab we were required to build a circuit that will store A when A when is great than B. We were to do this using the 74LS85 comparator and the 74LS75 D latch. We also were to complete a waveform analysis.

Design Methodology:
To complete this lab successfully I first deviseed the circuits using quartus. I really had to try a couple different methods until I last was able to get it to work. Instead of the 74LS75 D latch in quartus I used a chip that was just tagged as D latch. Once I was able to design it in quartus the actuall building of the circuit was pretty simple.

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A1 A0 B1 D | E GT LT D EN Q 0 0 0 0 | 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 | 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 | 0 0 1 X 0 Q0 NC
0 0 1 1 | 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 | 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 | 1 0 0
0 1 1 0 | 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 | 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 | 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 | 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 | 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 | 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 | 0 1 0
1 1...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Kaylah Loftin

Loftin Kaylah
Mrs. Gilmore
English 4
December 1, 2011
Life-Threatening Disease:
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Being unmatched of the just ab protrude fatal viruses in the nation, AIDS is now a serious public health concern in most major U.S. cities and in countries worldwide. Since 1986 there have been understandings of the AIDS virus, its mechanisms and its routes of transmission. horizontal though researchers have put in hours and millions of dollars it has not lead to a drug that can cure the infection or to a vaccine that can prevent it. With AIDS beingness the leading cause of death among human beings, this is the one out of very many life-threatening diseases.
The first case of AIDS were describe
Develop workforcet of the AIDS Epidemic
        The first case of AIDS were account in 1982, epidemiologists at the

Center of Disease Control straightaway began tracking the disease back wards in

time as well as forward.  They determined that the first cases of AIDS in the

coupled States probably occurred in 1977.

        By early 1982, 15 states, the territory of Columbia, and 2 foreign

countries had reports of AIDS cases, however the total remained low: 158 men and

1 woman. Surprising enough more then(prenominal) 90 percent of the men were tribadistic or


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Knowing this more then 70 percent of AIDS victims are homosexual  or

bisexual men, and less then 5 percent are heterosexual person adults.  Amazing enough

by December of 1983 there were 3,000 cases of AIDS that had been reported in

adults from 42 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, and the

disease had been recognized in 20 other countries. Recognizing the Extent of


        The health of the general homosexual populations in the area with the

largest number of cases of the new disease was getting looked at a lot closer by

researchers.  For many years physicians knew that homosexual men who reported

large numbers of sexual partners had more episodes of genital diseases and were

at...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Java Arrays

Java roll


? ? ? ? ? ?

What is an regalia Declaration of an array Instantiation of an array Accessing array element Array continuance Multi-dimensional array


What is an Array?

Introduction to Arrays

view we have here three variable stars of type int with different identifiers for severally variable.
int number1; int number2; int number3; number1 = 1; number2 = 2; number3 = 3;

As you apprize see, it seems equal(p) a tedious task in baffle to solely initialize and use the variables especially if they are used for the selfsame(prenominal) purpose.

Introduction to Arrays

In Java and other programming languages, there is one capability wherein we can use one variable to store a list of data and manipulate them much efficiently. This type of variable is called an array. An array stores multiple data items of the same data type, in a contiguous block of memory, shared out into a number of slots.



Declaration of an Array

Declaring Arrays

To declare an array, write the data type, followed by a set of square brackets[], followed by the identifier name. For example,
int []ages;


int ages[];


Instantiation of an Array

Array Instantiation

After declaring, we must create the array and specify its length with a constructor statement.

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In Java, this means creation


In dictate to represent an heading, we need to use a constructor for this. A constructor is a method that is called to create a trustworthy object. We will cover more about instantiating objects and constructors later.



Array Instantiation

To instantiate (or create) an array, write the new keyword, followed by the square brackets containing the number of elements you motive the array to have. For example,
//declaration int ages[]; //instantiate object ages = new int[100];


or, can also be written as,
//declare and instantiate object int ages[] = new int[100];...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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It 242 Final Project

{text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-end}
Final Project: WAN origination
Axia College University of Phoenix
IT242 Intro to WAN Technologies
Sokly Vann
21 May, 2009
bill manufacturing is an expanding operation currently occupying several offices in America as well as a recently acquired manufacturing plant in China. In Atlanta, GA, there atomic number 18 two office buildings, find across the street from each other. One building houses the gross revenue and engineering departments, and the other holds corporate operations, marketing, administrative staff, and accounting. Further, there are distribution offices located in Chicago, Phoenix, and New York. These facilities house a sales staff as well as administration.
Currently, prime holds weekly meetings in its corporate office in Atlanta. Representatives from every locations are required to attend. Implementation of a WAN technology would wholeow for these communications to be held in a virtual(prenominal) capacity, with the representatives attending from their home locations. WAN would also provide for increase communication between the sales departments and the manufacturing plant as well.
communication theory
Equipment Recommendations
Each LAN shall have a Cisco router connecting all local devices together (including printers and servers).

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Said routers shall provide connection to the network for VLAN purposes, as well as providing broadcast filtering, security, and traffic hunt management. For the purposes of virtual meetings, webcams shall be installed on workstations of necessary personnel, and speakerphone enabled telephones for conference calls. either workstations shall be connected to the routers via 10Base-T Ethernet wiring, and equipped with NIC cards.
conformation A: Logical depiction of recommended VLAN solution
Protocols for VLAN
Multiple VLAN registration Protocol (MVRP) shall be utilized for the VLAN as this allows for dynamic configuration of membership as newer devices shall be...If you want to get a wax essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Ideal Gas Laws

Timothy Johnson
Mr. Schmale
Honors Chemistry
May 14, 2012

Every day Chemists and students use the model gas laws to solve problems. Two of the most important ar Boyles Law ( P1V1=P2V2 ) and Charles Law(V1/T1=V2/T2). Both have taken the complex designate of finding oblige or volume (Boyles Law) and temperature and volume Charles Law) and sullen it into a simple equation that whatever person with a calculator (and Mr. Schmale without unitary) can figure out in a matter of seconds. They have taken a difficult labour and made it dumbfoundingly simple. So, Whether it is filling out a worksheet or discovering how a new element handles various pressures and temperatures to be employ in space age materials Boyle and Charles have got your back.

Boyles Law
Robert Boyle lived in Ireland in the seventeen-hundreds. His scientific studies lead to what is today known as Boyles Law or P1V1=P2V2. In rove to discover this equation he used an experiment in which he placed a piston chamber into a hot water bath (which maintained the temperature so it remained constant). He then put a piston into the cylinder and began to add mass and watched as there was a set correlation to the amount of pressure added and the volume of the gas in the cylinder. As the pressure rose the volume shrunk.

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Using this training in an equation you now can find one element of the equation if you have the separate three which is very much easier than many of the other equations used to find a pressure or volume out in any other way. This formula can be manipulated to find out any any of the four items within it. For example, you can find P1 by dividing P2V2 by V1 and vise versa for any sort of combinations, and by that I mean one of 4.

Charles Law
Jaques Alexandre Cesar Charles lived in the eighteen-hundreds. He lived nearly a century after Robert Boyle, but his studies were very similar. While they whitethorn have been similar Charles were somewhat more complicated and advanced. They direct him to find the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Hybrid Vehicle

Sr. NoTitlePage No.
1. adit2
2.Types of HEVs2
3.HEV Components4
4. intercrossedisation vehicle configurations5
5.HEV advantages6
6.HEV Economics6
7.Future of HEV7
8.The MOGEN Configuration8
8.2Principle of operation9
1. Introduction :-
both vehicle is a hybrid when it combines two or much sources of great cater. In fact, more people have probably possess a hybrid vehicle at some point. For example, a mo-ped (a motorized pedal bike) is a type of hybrid because it combines the power of a gasoline engine with the pedal power of its rider.
Hybrid vehicles are all around us. These include Giant dig trucks, Submarines, diesel- electrical buses, locomotives etc.
The gasoline-electric hybrid car is just that -- a spread over between a gasoline-powered car and an electric car. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) combine the internal combustion engine of a stuffy vehicle with the battery and electric motor of an electric vehicle, resulting in twice the fuel economy of stuffy vehicles.

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This combination offers the across-the-board range and rapid refueling that consumers expect from a conventional vehicle, with a significant portion of the energy and environmental benefits of an electric vehicle. The practical benefits of HEVs include improved fuel economy and begin emissions compared to conventional vehicles. The inherent flexibility of HEVs will allow them to be used in a wide range of applications, from in-person transportation to commercial hauling.
The flexibility in the design of hybrid vehicles comes from the ability of the control strategy to manage how much power is flowing to or from each component. There are many (often conflicting) objectives desirable for HEVs, the primary ones being:
Maximize...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Huffman Trucking Information Systems

Summary of Huffman Trucking Information Systems
BSA – 310
Kelly Hewitt
University of Phoenix
Executive Summary
Huffman Trucking is a private transportation and distribution participation that services some(prenominal)(prenominal) the U.S. government and commercial interests. Huffman is affected by the price of raise oil and commercial trucking fees including tolls. Because of its government contracts, Huffman is subject to compressed audit requirements as needed to monitor its business processes, expedition pricing and labor costs. In addition to government regulations, Huffman has the liability of delivering cargo intact and on time to its desti acres, as head as being responsible for safe navigation of the nation’s roadways.

Huffman Trucking, established in 1936, is a growing mid-size lode transport company with nearly 1,400 employees headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. Huffman’s deputation statement is, “To be a profitable, growing, adaptive company in an intensively competitive logistical services business environment.” With revenues of $600 million, Huffman continues its punishing growth through the acquisition of smaller regional trucking firms throughout the East Coast and internal sales.

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Huffman has logistical hubs in Los Angeles, California, St. Louis, Missouri and Bayonne, New Jersey, as well as the Cleveland headquarters.
end-to-end its recent history, Huffman has invested capitol to insure that its systems enhanced business mathematical operations and leveraged the company to opportunities to expand its market share. By aligning the information engine room requirements of the organization to their business growth model Huffman has been able to view as consistent growth. Although trucking was deregulated, Huffman still runs a union operation and is thus subject to additional regulation. Although growing over the years, some contracts were lost by Huffman’s inability to compete on price with non-union competitors. Each of the...If you want to get a effective essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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How Technology Affects the Society

How engineering Affects the Society

Jade Wallace
English 1133 P05
Marine Ogbaa
October 12, 2012
Technology keeps a large community more connected. We use engine room everyday, even when we do no realize we be utilise it. Technology connects large communities by having umteen ways to tangency people, arrest transportation and network. Since we have been introduced to so umpteen sweet technologies, its easier to stay social and connected. Technology is especially a plus in large communities verses smaller communities because there are more people living there. full-size communities use many an(prenominal) different types of technologies on an everyday basis. Technology is a real factor in our heart that maximizes organization and keeps everything running smoothly. Large communities such as New York, Chicago, and New Orleans are the types of communities that need more technology than other places because they move instant(prenominal) and there are more people. Technology has upgraded in many ways to accommodate these large communities. Internet access has travel up from dial up to high speed and wireless connectivity became widespread as stated Technology Updates Help customer Stay Connected (Kotney).

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Large communities need technology, because if these things were to be interpreted away it would be a hard life to hot without them.
Technology is the use of scientific knowledge on ameliorate ways to do things. However, the real meaning of the word technology is not well known because it is so broad. We use many different technologies in our everyday activities, such as cellular phone phones, computers, cars, etc. These different technologies make living easier. There are different branches of technology such as information technology, medical examination technology, and biotechnology. Updated technologies makes the world a smaller place to live in. As the years go by technology has improved more and more; technologies are being created to help make life easier. Technology also is changing the world at...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Hookes Law / Rapid Prototyping

Hookes Law

A. Perfect Elastic
1) Elasticity is a literal prop that causes it to restore to its fender shape after distortion. If it restores itself to exactly the original configuproportionn, the system is then considered to be Perfectly Elastic. Every literal has its own level of rubber bandity with some like the lenient wire or marbles having higher elasticity than cud gum or clay dough.
A perfectly elastic material wouldnt continue to function under these peck if lades applied to the system surpasses the elastic limit. When this occurs, the system starts to plastically deform (structure wouldnt return to its original shape).

2) Materials elasticity is define by a proportionality known as the Modulus of Elasticity. This is the ratio of rate of strain in relation to stress. A material with a higher modulus would be competent to handle forces advance than a material with a lower modulus. It also operator that a material that has a higher modulus of elasticity has the capacity to take more stresses without permanent damage (contains more elastic properties).

E = Modulus of Elasticity

3) Compressive strain is the ratio of decomposition caused by compressive load per unit duration measured along the longitudal axis.

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It is measured when the length of a structure changes because of a compressive force.

B) Torque 1)

NB. Specifications from (http://www.mdisensor.com/products/product_detail)

Torque detecting products have a wide range of application in many industries; from Agriculture where sensing equipment is needed in harvesters to the air travel industry where it is needed in helicopter engines. They come in a wide variety of sizes and applications; from hand tools to onboard sensing equipment. thither is a need for these products to be:
Robust; it should be able to handle difficult conditions such as dirt, grit, grease etc.
It should be easy to...If you want to get a full essay, hostel it on our website: Orderessay

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Four Household Objects


What are the cardinal unknown household objects presented to us?

substance 1 consists of water jelly crystals, if it turns into a jelly-like substance when mixed with water.
mall 2 is sugar, if it caramelizes when heated.
Substance 3 is salt, if it lowers the melting point, and on that pointfore melts cover faster than the other objects.
Substance 4 is baking soda, if it fizzes when it reacts with baking soda.

Experimental Procedure:

I will conduct foursome experiments, to try and figure out if my speculation for each hypothesis was correct.

#1. Bunsen Burner Caramelization

1. Bunsen Burner
2. Match
3. 4 Test Tubes
4. Equal try on of each unknown object (except for #1, teachers instructions)
5. tired Safety Equipment

1. Follow standard safety procedure.
2. usurp out Bunsen Burner, and turn it on, so that there is a faint sound of the gas.
3. Light the match, and quickly light the Burner, be careful to avoid burns to the hand.
4. Turn the dial so that the heat is in the shape of a small, blue cone.
5. affiance an empty test tube and run it with the irrupt as the control. Check for any not crackpotable changes, as there should not be any.
6. Put the sample of object #2 in the test tube.

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Run object #2 through the flame 5 times, and record observations.
8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the remaining 2 objects.

Data Table

Unknown Substances| Observations|
Substance 2| Object dour deep brown, bubbled a little, let out a loyal odor. It caramelized.|
Substance 3| Stayed the same throughout|
Substance 4| Stayed the same throughout|
Control| No changes in beaker|

#2. reply To Ice

1. 5 clean ice cubes
2. 5 nappy placemats
3. Clean table with enough space for 5 ice cubes.
4. Equal sample of each unknown object
5. Standard...If you want to go about a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Flu Pandemics May Lurk In Frozen Lakes

Flu Pandemics May Lurk in Frozen Lakes

The next grippe pandemic may be hibernating in an golosh glacier or nipping Siberian lake, waiting for rising temperatures to mint it free. Then birds can deliver it back to civilization.
New look into suggests an flu virus could go into hiding in the nut when earlier generations of humans, birds or different hosts developed immunity arduous enough to drive the virus to extinction. Its a potpourri of evolutionary loophole.
It can bring a set of viral genes back to life that have been frozen for centuries or thousands of years, verbalize environmental biologist Scott Rogers of Bowling Green State University in Ohio. If hosts havent seen the virus in a while, past there may be no active immunity.
Rogers and Zeynep Koçer, of Bowling Green State University in Ohio, found that influenza viruses can easily survive freezing in puddle water, and emerge from the melting ice strong enough to defile bird eggs. They presented their latest evidence today at the American Society for Microbiology meeting in Philadelphia.
Rogers calls this evolutionary strategy genome recycling. He thinks migrating waterfowl regularly deliver influenza viruses to Arctic glaciers and lakes, where it becomes frozen in ice.

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When the ice melts, birds pick the virus up and shipping it back south where it can infect humans.
The research comes amid a global alert over a new swine flu strain, H1N1, that has so far killed at least 80 populate and could be headed toward full-blown pandemic. Influenza pandemics have struck sporadically in historic times. The worst in recent storehouse were the Spanish flu in 1918, the Asian flu in 1957 and the Hong Kong flu in 1968.
These pandemics are hard to predict or trace back to their origins. Some researchers have proposed Siberia as a hub for the evolution of flu pandemics that eventually emerge in other locations â€" carried there by birds.
Scientists have in fact notice influenza viruses frozen in the ice and mud of lakes in...If you fate to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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File Access

The first successful light bulb filaments were made of  hundred (from carbonized paper or bamboo). Early carbon filaments had a negativetemperature coefficient of opponent -- as they got hotter, their electrical resistance decreased. This made the lamp sensitive to fluctuations in the power proviso, since a small increase of voltage would make out the filament to heat up, reducing its resistance and causing it to huff even more power and heat even further. In the flashing process, carbon filaments were heated by current momentary through them, while in an evacuated vessel containing hydrocarbon (gasoline) vapor. The carbon deposited by this treatment improved the uniformity and strength of filaments, and their efficiency. A metallized or graphitized filament was first heated in a high-temperature oven forrader flashing and lamp assembly; this transformed the carbon into graphite, which further alter and smoothed the filament, and as a byproduct had the advantage of changing the lamp to a positive temperature coefficient like a metallic conductor. This helped becalm power consumption, temperature and light output against minor variations in supply voltage.
In 1902, the Siemens company developed a  tantalum lamp filament.

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These lamps were more efficient than even graphitized carbon filaments and could operate at higher temperatures. Since the metal had a lower resistivity than carbon, the tantalum lamp filament was quite long and required multiple cozy supports. The metal filament had the property of gradually shortening in expend; the filaments were installed with large loops that tightened in use. This made lamps in use for several hundred hours quite fragile.[56] Metal filaments had the property of intermission and re-welding, though this would usually decrease resistance and shorten the action of the filament. General Electric bought the rights to use tantalum filaments and produced them in the united States until 1913.[57]
From 1898 to around 1905, osmium was...

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Fairchild Essay

Luke Blanco

Mr. Crossman

AP English Language and Composition

7 November 2009

An Analysis of Recycling Worldwide

everywhere the past 200 years, humanity has witnessed the science’s latent through the numerous inventions created over the decades- mustard gas, the cotton gin, the multitude line, the atomic bomb, the computer. Powerful and coercive, these human conceptions have changed the way the realism functions, both positively and negatively, one negative aspect be the destruction of nature. But humans are a thermolabile species, and our reaction against this negative environmental change has bought along an beta asset- cycle. Alas, this asset is flawed, and I have taken it upon myself to analyze and provoke ways to earn the recycling system in my hometown of Miami, Florida by comparing it to ones situated in London, United Kingdom and Sydney, Australia. Comparisons and contrasts through environmental, statistical, and socio-economic factors led me to favor Sydney’s recycling system the most, just now we can use the city’s example the fix the County of Miami-Dade’s- and indeed the world’s.

To begin our foray into our recycling evaluation, allow us lay down some solid statistics of the tercet cities.

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Miami recycles paper, cardboard, plastic containers, aseptic containers (ex. juice and milk cartons), glass, and aluminum and firebrand containers. All of these materials are recycled through a single-stream recycling system, a system in which waste and recyclables are placed in separate, reusable bins which are then positioned on your curb for collection- and in 2005, this led to an 18% recycling rate. In London, paper, cardboard, plastic containers, glass, and aluminum and steel containers may be recycled in clear rifles. This clears sack system is fairly simple; recyclables are placed into these (one-time use) plain plastic bags and then on your curb. The system contributed to an average recycling rate of 17% in 2004/2005....If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Existentialism’s Existence
During World War II, existentialism gained popularity when both of its around important writers lived and wrote extensively on the subject. It is interesting to notation that one used existentialism to justify Nazi Germany and the another(prenominal) to explain the cruel behavior of the Germans. These both philosophers, Sartre and Heidegger both added to the publications of
Existentialism as they adapted the philosophy to explain sustenance and politics. To almost any topic the difficulty is finding luxuriant connections and providing proof of those connections. Currently in diction there are two types of existentialism created by two individuals. Martin Heidegger created the first speculation of existentialism with the feel in Authentic Existentialism which is the belief in the kernel of life guided by accredited of rational reason or purpose. Secondly is John-Paul Sartre’s possible action of existentialism guided by an individuals personal beliefs in meaning of life guided by whatever the individual feels is most meaningful to him/her.
Not many people have highly-developed connections of existentialism to current events or semipolitical campaigns but the two men named above have developed intriguing theories to retaliate for unexplainable occurrences.

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John-Paul Sartre an abstract philosopher established ideals of unconventional thinking which in turn resulted in him being imprisoned by Nazis Germany. mavin theory Sartre is well known for is

“Existence is prior to essence. humankind is nothing at birth and throughout his life he is no more than the sum of his past commitments. To believe in anything outside his own will is to be guilty of bad confidence…”

Skeptics have there own take to this comment objet dart followers take inspiration from his ideals. Sartre’s intentions are neer discussed but his skeptics such as say, “His prodigious verbal energy, political passion, appetite for life, and finally ‘les mots’...If you want to get a dependable essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Egyprtian Travel

Egyptian Travel

1.Name potential viral diseases that this patient exponent have considering the history that is given.
Some possible diseases that this person may have acquired atomic number 18 Hepatitis A or B, or color Fever.

2.What closely worryly is the disease the patient has? Why would you take a shit that conclusion?
I believe that the disease is Hepatitis A because it potentiometer be contracted through contaminated nutrition or water. It is a viral infection of the liver causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, febrility and jaundice. It is caused by the hepatitis A virus, a small, single stranded ribonucleic acid virus of the picornavirus family. Hepatitis B is more transmitted through sensible fluids and sexual contact, just like HIV. Yellow fever has the said(prenominal) symptoms but is spread through a female infected mosquito in tropical areas. Recent studies have shown that many cases of travel-related hepatitis A occur in travelers with standard tourist itineraries, accommodations, and food and drinkable consumption behaviors. (2) This leads me to believe that Hepatitis A is the disease.

3.Identify the possible transmission system route for this virus.
Hepatitis A virus spreads by fecal-oral route loosely through fecal contamination of hands, food, or water.

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(4) Since this patient lived like the locals by eating their food and drinking their water it is most likely he got the virus from consuming local food and tap water. Symptoms usually show up 2-6 weeks after exposure to the virus. The incubation period for Hepatitis A averages about 28 days.

4.What serological tests could be do to pinpoint the illness?
There are several tests that can be done to pinpoint Hepatitis A. kickoff a blood test allow for be done to see how well the liver is functioning. Following a manifestation of IgM antibodies against hepatitis A virus (IgM anti-HAV) in the serum of aggressively or recently ill patients establishes the diagnosis. (3) Other blood tests will also be done to rule out Hepatitis B and C.

5.If patient had...If you want to get a full essay, rear it on our website: Orderessay

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Edmund Burke Essay

Essay on edmund burke speech on expiation
Reaction to Edmund Burke speech on propitiation with America, demo 22, 1775
Michael W. Stewart
History 322 Revolutionary America
Ronald Wood
August 4, 2009
fudge of Contents
Introduction 2
Essay 3
References 5
Edmund Burke’s speech on conciliation with America really moved me. He had a legal grasp of what the colonist’s were feeling and how the parliament was act to soldiers it’swill on them. Burke upon virtually bushel searching, determined that “you would not reject a reasonable bid because it had nothing but its reason to recommend it” (Burke, 1775, Speech on reconciliation with America pg 1).
His most persuasive argument for conciliation and quite frankly to me, the out that England needed and some advice the would abide been well to pursue was “Let the colonies always keep the belief of their civil rights associated with your government-they will cling and grapple to you, and no force under heaven will be of power to blood them from their allegiance” (Burke, 1775, Speech on reconciliation with America pg 1) Iam stupid(p) at Burke’s ability to understand the routine of freedom and liberty in the colonies psyche.

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He was able to deliver to England that if they had or if they would but remember that the Americans are the sons and daughters of England herself and not some conquered people from afar, but descendents of subjects of the realm, who rightly have a asseverate to all the rights and privileges granted by the British constitution.
He lashings big points on having the conj onesto stand up to his fellow plain men and lecture them on their willingness to but aside the liveliness of liberty and freedom and although legal, impose on the American’s burdens that will drive them to rebellion. He chastisesthem for their “weak imaginations” that they could continue to draw their way through this, continuing to try and bind...If you want to narrow a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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E Commerce

BBIT 436/CISY428 E-Commerce (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: BBIT 325, CISY311
Purpose of the scat:
The course presents a steadfast foundation in all aspects of conducting business in the networked environment, oddly over the net.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the scholarly person should be able;
* Understand the principles of e-commerce.
* Understand the models and channels for e-commerce, including active commerce.
* Understand the complexities of the marketplace for e-commerce.
* Understand legal and regulatory constitution issues that affect e-commerce.
* Use a markup language in e-commerce.

level Content:
Introduction to electronic commerce: definition, advantages and disadvantages, categories, economic structures, historical development. Internet and the world wide web: protocols, intranets/extranets, web design. proviso E-commerce initiatives: business plan, revenue models, web site usability, web merchandising. Internet law: borders and jurisdictions, intellectual property, cybersquatting and ethical issues. Implementation: Designing, building and evaluating websites, marketing a website, promoting products and services.

Mode of Delivery:
* Class lectures
* Practical research laboratory sessions.
* Group discussions.
* Independent study.

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Instructional Material and/or Equipment
* A computer loaded with a content management system.
Course Assessment:
* Continuous Assessment40%
* End of Trimester Examinations60%
Core Reading Materials:
* Fasli, M.: Agent Technology for e-Commerce. Wiley higher(prenominal) Education, 2007.
* Papazoglou, M. and Ribbers, P.: e-Business. Wiley Higher Education, 2006.
Recommended Reading materials:
* Rayport, J.F. and Jaworski, J.: Introduction to E-Commerce. McGraw Hill, 2004.
* Dietel, D. and Nieto: E-Business and E-Commerce, How to program. Prentice Hall, 2001.
* Chan, H., Dillon, T., Lee, R. and Chang, E.: E-Commerce. Wiley Higher Education,...If you want to cast down a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Domestic Violoence


Maureen Mack
June 4, 2009
SAPP 410
Social Issues

This paper is going to discuss the issues that be most commonly attached to national violence, such issues atomic number 18 gender, and face-to-face control. On average over 2 cardinal people are in abusive relationships. Wo manpower are more than likely to report being physiologicly abused by their partners; however, they are less likely to leave the situation because they bear developed a feeling of hopelessness. The feeling of low personal control has been noted to be a major instrument in domestic violence. A person who feels that they take over miniature to no control over their environment is often times more likely to commit violence in raise to prove they stir control over some reflexion of their life. This paper will cover the possible reasons behind domestic violence and the possible outcomes of such violence.

Domestic Violence
In everyday society the term “domestic violence” refers to men whipping women (Johnson, pg 948). It is estimated that over two million women in the United States totally reported being violently attacked by their husbands or anthropoid partners (Johnson, pg 948). However, this is not the only form of violence in relationships.

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Studies have shown that at least 28% of all couples experience physical violence at least once during their relationship (Umberson, pg 442). some(a) of the consequences of domestic violence are physical injury, psychological and mad distress, which can often times lead to suicide and cognitive content abuse. The number of arrests for domestic violence has increased dramatically since the 1980’s. darn the belief that some types of intervention can change this behavior better than incarceration, many court systems refer the offender to the programs some(prenominal) before and after trial (Dalton, pg 249).
Alcohol and violence have been associated for many years. While there were some differences found, both men and women were as likely to have used...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Cyber Crime

Cyber wickedness 1
Cyber Crime
Adria M. Castro
Computer literacy
Richard Reilly
September 22nd, 2009
Cyber Crime 2
Cyber Crime
Crime is on the aerodynamic lift conscionable about everywhere these years, but like a shothere has this up rise in crime become more apparent than in cyber space. Like so many other aspects of our lives, major sham has gone high tech. The FBI estimates that businesses alone lose an upwards of $1.5 meg annually as a direct result of cyber crimes. The turn of events of these crimes has tripled in the past two years and the numbers save to climb. (O’Leary & O’Leary) p. 287

Through the duration of this essay we will be embarking on a journey into the dark and seedy realness of cyber crime. Within this text you will find, the definition of cyber crime, the most regular types of cyber criminals, as well as the most common forms of cyber crime.
The get hold of definition of cyber crime is still evolving. ( www.davislogic.com/cybercrime.htm ). Cyber crime, or computer crime, is an extremely broad term. This term is most commonly used to bring up criminal activity committed where a computer or network is the source, tool, or target of a crime. Like handed-down crime, cyber crime can take many shapes and occur at any time or any place.

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By now many of us are all too acquainted(predicate) with spam. Spam or spamming refers to the abuse of electronic messaging systems to hop out unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately. While the most widely acknowledge form of spam is e-mail spam, the term can also be applied to similar abuses in other media.
whatsoever of these abuses include; instant messaging spam, web search locomotive spam, spam in blogs, wiki spam, mobile phone messaging spam, mixer networking spam, as well as internet forum spam. As applied to email, specific anti-spam laws are relatively new, however limits on unsolicited electronic communications have existed in any(prenominal) forms for some time.
Cyber Crime 3
Gone are the days when we had to step outside to...If you want to get a in full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Critical Thinking Application Paper

Critical Thinking Application
While there are numerous definitions of the term “ diminutive thinking” available at present,
the following repeat by an unknown source captures its true essence in a simplified way: “Critical thinking…. the arouse of the intellect to the study of itself.” Transcending above the biased, prejudiced and often self-serving way of thinking as employed by the majority of the population requires the development of critical thinking skills. These skills, developed and enhance through the conscious and steady use of self-discipline, self-monitoring and self-guidance, are tonality to building and refraining quality of life. “People who think critically consistently attempt to live rationally, reasonably, empathically. They are keenly aware of the inherently flawed nature of human thinking when left unchecked.” (Scriven, Paul, 1987)

In personal as well as in studious and professional settings, critical thinkers have the upper hand. Aside from constancy knowledge, experience and work ethics, organizations are actively seeking to enkindle employees with the ability to think critically.

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The ever-increasing pressures to stay competitive in today’s global marketplace leaves little room for delusion; therefore organizations can ill-afford costly mistakes caused by misguided concepts and foolish thinking. Today, critical thinking skills are demonstrated by leadinghip who, not only openly share their vision, but attract, retain and cultivate management teams with strong problem-solving and decision-making ability and who continuously contend their own efforts with the intent to drive improvements and progress forward. “What differentiates future leaders from those of the past is the ability to not only empower and twine their management teams, but also create a market-gardening of empowerment reciprocity where staff at all levels possess strong critical decision making skills to drive the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Advanced Certificate in Counselling

“What is a therapeutic consanguinity?” From the perspective of the humanistic or psychodynamic get along how skunk a relationship be established, maintained and terminate within an honourable frame conk out?

In looking at the therapeutic relationship from the Humanistic approach, I go out catch how the relationship betwixt the counsellor and knob can be established, maintained and ended within an ethical framework. I will explore both positive and negative effects of maintaining the ethical boundaries whilst establishing and continuing the therapeutic relationship. Finally I will question how the therapeutic relationship can be ended.

The therapeutic relationship is a different kind of professional relationship. The relationship between client and counsellor is unique in important slipway when compared to relationships between clients and other professionals such as doctors, dentists, and solicitors. The key deflexion is present from first contact it is not clearly silent exactly what will happen. Clients are vulnerable and trusting. Because of the unique client counsellor relationship it is mild for them to be taken advantage of. This makes imperative the therapists be ethically aware of the power of their role.

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“Fidelity, observance the trust placed in the practitioner.” Ref: “honorable manakin for Good Practice in Counselling & mental hygiene.”

A heavy(p) part of being an effective therapist is the realization that the work is about the client. Respecting the right for the client to be self presidential term - Autonomous. Ref: “Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling & Psychotherapy” It’s not as easy as it sounds since the therapeutic relationship over time can become quite intimate. “Non-maleficence - a commitment to avoiding harm to the client.” “Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy”

Carl Rogers...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Constructivist Theory And Best Practices: Secondary Education

Constructivist Theory and Best Practices: Secondary Education

November 17, 2008

Learning Design of the Constructivist Theory

In the twenty first century it is clearly evident that the handed-down teaching style must be changed to adapt to technology and teaching and learning issues of this time period. The learning design of the constructivist guess is about the various styles of teaching among different teachers that promotes learning in the classroom. According to Gagnon and Collay, “the CLD (Constructivist Learning Design) is a guide to organizing for learning, using sixer elements: Situation, Groups, Bridge, Task, Exhibit, and Reflection” (Gagnon & Collay, p.17, 2006). All six elements of the Constructivist Learning Design that Gagnon and Collay pick up have been developed to promote educators to implement the constructivist theory in the classroom. It is highly important to keep the bookmans engaged while teaching. The teacher has the duty of guiding, facilitating or coordinating learning. It is not beneficial to the student when the teacher dispenses information, and the student is expected to retain information care a recorder. Constructivist teaching should not be thought of as a gigantic, agreed-upon concept.

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“The theory suggests that that individuals create their own new understandings, found upon the interaction of what they already know and believe, and the phenomena or ideas with which they come into match” (Richardson, p.3, 1997). One can observe a child at age one or two constructing their own knowledge. juvenility children are not necessarily taught how to speak, but through interactions with others and children. They urinate a collection with words and phrases; eventually formulating complete sentences and move in conversations. Given that children construct their own knowledge to a certain extent, the family background plays a vital role in the learning process. In the constructed style of...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Computer Way

The History of Computers

The idea of a machine that would make populaces calculations easier, faster, and more accurate is no new notion. The Abacus, Napiers rods, the Calculating Clock, and the Stepped Reckoner are a some examples of early computer ideas In the more recent story of the computer, we can see how computers have morphed (or dwarfed) from clunky, million-dollar machines into the compact and convenient split of our everyday lives (Computer apprehension Student Resource Website, 2003, Evolution of Computers: From lapidate to Silicon, Section 1).

The Academic crowd Dictionary of Science and Technology informs us that John von Neumanns spend a penny is most well-known among the potential founders of the first computer, but to whom the conviction belongs can be debated…von Neumann wrote a memorandum explaining the ENIAC, and so his name is recorded (Academic Press, 2002, Section 2, Historical Perspective). The ENIAC (the electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was developed by J. Preper Eckert and John Mauchly of the Moore civilise of the University of Pennsylvania in the mid- forties. The credit for this invention is shady because Mauchly reportedly visited John Atanasoff before building the ENIAC.

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Atanasoff and his graduate student berry built the Atanasoff/Berry Computer in the early 1940s at Iowa State University. At any rate, von Neumanns name is the most well-known and thus settles the issue!

The specimen von Neumann came up with for the basic computer structure is inactive today, with modifications for speed and size, the foundation for many computers (Academic Press, 2002, Section 1, p. 527). The Academic Press Dictionary states that von Neumanns report was so well-received because it had unthinkable focus on the logical principles and organization of the computer instead than on the electrical and electronic technology required for its capital punishment (p. 527).

As Evolution: From Stone to Silicon reports, the first computers were mechanical...If you emergency to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chemistry Lab

Chemical Reactions LabP.6Jared Walsh

Materials - show Tubes, 1 Sharpie/ anoint pencil, 1 Thermometer, 1 Stirring Rod , 1 Test Tube Rack, 1 Test Tube Holder , litmus strain Paper (Red & Blue)

Chemicals - FeCL3
0.1 M AgNO3 (17 g/L)
6 M HCI (495 ml ACS Grade 12.1 M)
6 M HNO3 (378 ml Grade 15.9 M)
6 M Noah (240 g/L)
CuSO4 - 5H2O
NH4CL (Solid)
Pellets of Al, Zn, Sn, and Cu

Part A: Reactions Of Iron(III) Chloride, FeCL3

Add a sm tout ensemble sum of money of Iron(III) Chloride crystals(also called ferric Chloride) to 3 exam tubes. The amount of crystals in individually screen out tube should be no longer than the head of a wooden match.
Add a similar amount of Potassium Thiocynate crystals to a 4th test tube and a similar amount of Potassium Hexacyanoferrate(II) crystals to a 5th test tube.
To each of the 5 test tubes, summarize distilled water to a 3-ml mark. Stir each of the systems by thrum with your fingers on the loosely held test tube.
To a 6th test tube, add about 1-ml Silver Nitrate solution.
Label each test tube with the name of the chemical you used.

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Record these observations:

trunk 1: FeCL3 dodging 2: KSCN
System 3: K4Fe(CN)6System 4: AgNO3

7. Mix pairs of solutions in the following ways, and record all of your observations in the data table.

System 5: FeCL3 + KSCNSystem 6: Fe CL3 + AgNO3
System 7: FeCL3 + K4Fe(CN)6

Part B: Reactions of Acids

To quartet of your calibrated test tubes, add 3-ml of hydrochloric vinegarish, and to four different test tubes add 3-ml of HNO3.…Test the reaction of the acids to litmus paper by dipping a glass rod into the test tube containing the acid you are testing and touching it gently to both the profane and red litmus paper. Record observations in the data table. present sure you rinse off the glass rod surrounded by acids.
Gather a small, pea-size sample of each of the following metals: Al, Zn,...If you call for to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin, a British scientist who throughout his life, attending school, going on a trip, and returning back home came up with the possibleness of evolution. Charles Darwins findings were great and made a difference on how people now viewed life.
Charles Robert Darwin, born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England on February 12, 1809. Darwin was a British scientist who laid the foundations of the theory of evolution and transformed the elan we think about the natural world with his views of life develop over natural selection. He was born into a well-heeled family.
After graduating from school in Shrewsbury in 1825, Darwin went to the University of Edinburgh where he examine medicine. In 1827 he dropped out and went to the University of Cambridge to prepare for becoming a clergyman of the Church of England. While he was there he met the two important people of his life: Adam Sedgwick, who was a geologist, and John Stevens Henslow, a naturalist. After graduating from Cambridge in 1831, Darwin only 22 years doddering boarded the ship H.M.S Beagle, since Henslow recommended it.
When his Voyage began, Darwin didnt recollect that species changed over time, be he did believe two parking area ideas at the time.

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The first idea was that the earthly concern was 6,000 years old and had continued unaffected except for the effects of floods and other disasters. The bet on idea was that creatures were intended for certain habitats and appeared on the earth in their present form.
Darwin began to change his ideas. He discovered evidence that the earth was much older than 6,000 years old. For example in southeastern America, he witnessed an earthquake that raised the land some feet. He understood that mountains can be built by the movement of an earthquake over millions of years. He also found fossils of shipboard soldier mammals high up in the mountains, and he realized that the rocks mustiness have been lifted from the ocean.
On the Galapagos Islands, he found animals that looked care the animals on the South American...If you want to get a total essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Cell Structure

Cell Structure

The nucleus is one of the more or less important structures in living organisms. It is what controls when the mobile phone produces what proteins, when, and where, it controls growth, and it regulates metabolism. The function of the nucleus is quite entirely the total control of the stall. Inside the nucleus is chromatin. The nucleus is unremarkably the largest organelle in the stall. It is present is every cell away from red blood cells and phleum sieve tubes.

The nucleus is the most prominent structure of the cell, taking up about 10% of the total volume of the cell. It is enclosed in a membrane, and it is tho in eukryoatic cells. The nucleus contains two major things, one, the chromatin, and two the nucleole. The nucleolus is the structure that makes ribosomes. Each cell nucleus usually contains at least one nucleolus. A membrane called the nuclear windbag contains the contents of the nucleus.
The nucleus of the cell also contains DNA. Every cell needs DNA to be what it is. i.e. if it is a skin cell then it needs to contain the right DNA for the people of color of your skin.

Below is the diagram of the nucleus. It clearly shows each part of the organelle.

Mitochondira is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in most eukaryotic cells.

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This organelle ranges from approximately 0.5- 10 micrometres. Yo may find several kibibyte mitochondria in one cell. The numbers depend on what the cell needs to do. If the purpose of the cell is to transmit nerve impulses, on that point will be fewer mitochondria than in a pass cell that needs loads of energy. Mitochondria are the main ejaculate of energy in a cell as it makes adenosine triphosphate which is utilize as a chemical energy. In addition to planning cellular energy, mitochondria is involved in a range of opposite processes, such as signaling, cellular differentiation, cell death, as sanitary as the control of the cell cycle and cell growth.

Mitochondria keep up two membranes. The outer membrane covers the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Case Study

Case Study 1: Skin and Eye
Dr. Blankinship
23rd March, 2009
Shivani Pandya
clams Whatley

1.What are the lesions diagnostic of? Explain how you decide.
practise: The lesions are the diagnostic of Shingles (Herpes Zoster). The chief complaint of the patient is a separate of lesions on the tikes back. The babys dumbfound explains that the spot on the babys back vindicatory popped up two days ago and that the baby hasnt had a fever and seems well. When the baby was examined, it observed that, there is a group of seven to eight blisters like lesions localized to the remaining of the babys spinal column and they prepare clear changeable in them. Herpes Zoster is a viral transmission of the nerve roots. The causative agent is Varicella-zoster virus. This disease causes pain and very much causes a rash on one side of the body, either right or left. The rash turns into clusters of blisters and the blisters then filled with fluid. correspond to the frontmost observation, the baby has several blisters to the left side of his spine and the blisters have clear fluid inside. These symptoms reflect that the baby has shingles.
2.Although this especial(a) condition is fairly unusual in babies, the lesions indicate that the child must have experienced a common puerility illness earlier. Which one?

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Answer: Although this particular condition is somewhat unusual in babies, the lesions indicate that the child must have experienced a common childhood illness, which is Chickenpox earlier.
3.The scram says that that, to her knowledge, the baby has not had this common childhood illness, but that his 3-year-old baby had it four months ago, when the baby was 2 months old. Explain the link amid the girls illness and the babys condition.
Answer: The mother says that, to her knowledge, the baby does not have chickenpox before. To register the link between girls illness and the babys condition, we first understand the link between shingles and chickenpox. Shingles...If you want to land a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Cosmetic Care for Your Bike
Nov 12, 2008 in Bike Advice        ingrain This Post

How proud we feel when our cps is just nonpareil week old! There is a shine in the roll and the empty number plate tells our friends that it is brand new. however most of us really start caring less(prenominal) about the cycle per seconds looks as time goes on, and the bike is no longer shiny and appealing. But think again, a few minutes of extra criminal maintenance universal provide keep it as good as new. And do you memorialize?… Girls like clean and neat guys! The following tips allow admirer your bike to look better than your neighbors…
clean & Washing: Wash the bike yourself once a week with hand cloth and a bucket of field of operations clean water system. Do not use any detersive or chemicals, as it would harm the paint finish of the bike. slangt give the bike for water wash after(prenominal)-school(prenominal) frequently as the water jet spray use has high pres for certain and will enter the electric lot and wires, also more importantly stagnate at few unapproachable places and eventually lead to rusting. Always remember your bike must look good every time you skitter on it. Just as we bathe, brush, shave and comb everyday your bike also needs some basic care and is entitled to proper maintenance. The cleaner your two-wheeler is the better your bike will perform.

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Cleaning your bike yourself improves your bond between you and your two-wheeled steed and its playfulness as you would discover and explore your bike and learn more about your two wheeler. It also gives you a good practice session as you stretch and reach for those unapproachable places. Wash your bike gently with water and hand and wipe clean with a soft clean cloth. Getting the bike water process once a month is acceptable. Make sure you shine your bike out for a spin immediately after the water wash as it would automatically dry the water at places you cant reach by hand. Make sure you cover the exhaust while cleaning your bike with polythene cover and secure a rubber band tightly across the exhaust and the plastic cover.
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Battle of the Lung: the Story of a Bacterial Infection

Battle of the Lung
The story of a Bacterial Infection
Linda Burlingame
Unit 4 Assignment
Kaplan University
July 4, 2011

The jaunt begins in the lower right femoral vein of a healthy adult female. The mission: locate and demolish an invading bacterium in the inferior lobe of the right lung. The blazonry: the immune system and the power of leukocytes. The outcome: homeostasis and continued liberty from the invader.
Upon entry, the first visible structure is the femur which is the longest prink in the human body. The femur supports all of the adductor muscles, quadriceps, and sartorius. middle-level to the entry position but still visible, is the patella. The femoral arterial blood vessel runs parallel to the femoral vein flowing in the adversary direction. Its deep crimson color indicates the presence of oxygen-rich blood (Tortora, Derrickson 2006). thither is a web of smaller veins and capillaries which will sometimes counteract the view.
The road continues north to the pelvic cavity. The bones of the pelvis argon the coxal bones which include the pelvis, ischium, and iliam, the coccyx, and the sacrum (Thibodeau, Patton 2008). Slightly to the right lies the urinary vesica and superior to it is the uterus, with the right ovary and fallopian tube lateral to it.

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Areas of the small intestines argon visible curling around the pelvic cavity. The iliopsas is positioned medial to the travel plan and the external abdominal oblique muscle is coming into view.
The lane now takes a medial direction on its journey to the right lower lung. The abdominopelvic cavity is home to some of the accoutrement organs of the digestive system. The first of these in sight is the tiny, ovoid-shaped appurtenance (Pubmed 2011). The kidneys, gallbladder, and liver are spotted, and the large intestine is seen winding end-to-end the area. The stomach is visible and positioned superior to the transverse colon. Vertebrae and ribs, which protect these organs, drop now be seen in posterior and...If you want to cut a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Autopsies: The Unknown

Autopsies: The Unknown
The meaning of Autopsy is see for yourself. An post-mortem examination is an internal psychometric test of a dead body. Only a Medical examiner or Forensic Pathologist can do an autopsy. An autopsy should be performed when a suspicious death occurs or when somebody dies with no known reason. Family members can also request an autopsy. The way and stupefy of death are diagnosed during or after an autopsy. unknown medical problems also can be acknowledged during a post-mortem examination and can answer the familys questions and provide closure. to a greater extent in-depth test can be do on variety meat to understand diseases, how they progress, and assist with developing cures. Autopsies also offer the opportunity for physicians to learn how to operate or repair internal organs without devastating risks. Even though people may not understand the reasons for autopsies, they are important to offer critical selective information for the living and bring closure to families.
The first human dissection was done in 300BCE. The physicians, Herophillius and Ersistratus, were the first to compare the patients symptoms to cause of death by performing the internal examination. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo also performed autopsies to study the human anatomy.

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During the renaissance they distinguished amidst normal and abnormal anatomy, this led to advancements in medicine. The bodies of criminals sentenced to death were apply for further education of the internal anatomy. Later it was discovered by Rudolf Virchow that cells change we when have a disease or when we die. engineering has improved dramatically and we can study and learn most these cell changes with more accuracy.
An autopsy is done in a sterile environment, much like a hospital. This is known as an autopsy suite or an autopsy room. The body is put on a steel table that is slightly one-sided down towards the feet so all fluids can drain into a large sink. The body is uncovered and the external examination...If you want to stir a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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