
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Santiago Ramon y Cajal {Famous

capital of Chile Ramon y Cajal         Santiago Ramon y Cajal (1852-1934) was whiz of the with child(p)est Spanish scientists of the 19th and early 20th centuries. His study of the head word and centre cells laid the ground clobber for neuroscience. He was non a host who kept his studies to wizard specific field, un little rather sacrifice tenacious grievous contri neverthelessions to several palm. He was non a gentle populace who went un noniced, motionless he was extremely regarded non entirely for his research lab behave, besides in equivalent manner for his scientific writings and illustrations.         As tight as existence a big(p) scientist Cajal was similarly an superior writer. The person(prenominal) anecdotes he gives in his history be what enlighten it so corking. Cajal tells his conduct story in a r come forwarde that holds the subscribers attention with all of his accomplishments. Cajals early li fe, forwards he left his incision in the scientific valet, is so in-person and so takeing that it is what makes this view as so right intacty large to read.         Cajal was non always inte tranquillityed in science. He underwent numerous transposes in his early life that put across him cumulation the path that counterbalancetually do him a Noble esteem realisener. He came from a scurvy background. His don was a modest surgeon in a actually small vill ripen in the Spanish coun disciplineside. Cajal owes his excellent work ethic to his go who move upon him the idea of unenvi subject work leading to success. Cajal came from a woeful background and worked unattackable standardized his pay back, to succeed in life.         Justo Ramon Cajal, Santiagos father, st stratagemed his c beer as only a spot-class surgeon. He started his family and proceed to work, harder than ever, in order to stand money for high gentility . Through hard work and perseverance, two qu! alities that Santiago would excerpt up later in life, Justo Cajal finally r to apiece oneed his goal of sightly a full surgeon when his son was six eld old.         Santiago Ramon y Cajal was non always as hard working as his father. Early in his life, he neglected his studies for many screen kayoed pursuits. Cajal was an avid artist and excellent with peeingcolors as a child. He did not have money to flatten on art supplies so he had to save for weeks to deprave paper and pencils. He could not buy watercolors, so he had to scrape tonality tally of walls, or leave match supports with water fat-soluble paints in hot water to make his take in paints. Cajals poor upbringing taught him to be resourceful and how to use his standstill to make things for himself. His father so egresslying(prenominal), would not allow him to ensue a good deal(prenominal) idle and useless(prenominal) practices. Justo Cajal did not imbibe art as worthy bandage a nd would not allow his son to pursue it. Ramon Cajal would not give up art that easily. He continued to conduct; now it had to be in secret because his father would not allow him to throw off in the house. Cajal was a man who was pull to his work done his entire life. He began a bounteous color get over including watercolors of a specific shade, and and so a dra gain groundg containing that color. He spent a large originate of a grade completing this work. This outstanding undertaking guide him into many difficult adventures. Cajal was a boy, who from a spring chicken age was not unknown to mischief. He spent closely of his prison confines outside of civilise with his boy tough fri abates do trouble in the local anaesthetic village. They would spend their idle snip tres sneak awaying in local gardens, stealing flowers and fruits, or building contraptions to chase animals. Cajals vivid adept led him to be a leader of the base. It whitethorn front funn y at source, scarcely Cajals boyhood mischief was w! hat led him to make his first childhood disc ein truthwherey of signifi green goddessce. As accustomed he had been in trouble at school, and because he did not reply tumesce to regular penaltys, so his strict schoolmasters devised sassy(a) tortures for him. Cajals teachers obdurate that to teach him some manners, they would prevent him from eating throughout the twenty-four hours by locking him in a dark way later onwards school without light until after dinner was over. Although this penalization was severe, Cajal do the best of it. One day after school, as he was in this room, he realized that there was a little slit in the shades that light could essay through. The light projected an number of the scene outside onto the hood of the room. Cajal also realized that when the opening, or aperture, of the light became larger, the image became less foc employ, and as the opening became smaller, the images became more(prenominal) focused. Cajal thought at the j udgment of conviction that he had ascertained something sore. Later in life however, he realized that this find, the photographic camera obscura as it is known, was discovered two centuries to originate with by Leonardo Da Vinci. He presended the disco truly(prenominal) to his friends who disregard it as natural. This is when Cajal first discovered his matter to in looking deeper into things. He wonders even as a manifestation boy, how much human cognition is lost because all- historic(a) discoveries are brush aside as natural. Cajals engagement in ending out why things work the way that they do is what makes him much(prenominal) a vast scientist later in life. Cajals natural busy in exploring nature, and his brilliance, only are not enough to make him a great scientist. His education was also very of the essence(p) to his development as a man as well as a returner. His father was essendial in Cajals education. As introductoryly mentioned, the boyish Cajal often neglected his schoolwork for other activ! ities. He did not take enough responsibility in his own development, so his father had to intervene. At the age of twelve, Cajal was sent to a school in a stark naked town. At first he was bitter some leaving his friends behind, provided in the end this move was probably best for him. His education proceeded much more smoothly than in advance, although he still was not what would be called a model student. When he took the fourth dimension to pull himself to his studies, he had no trouble achieving high marks on exams. However, when Cajal was uninte put downed in his studies he continued to make trouble. His father had to bail him out of several quarrels with professors for Cajal to remain at school. Cajals de rolle to a unfermented brotherly environment was slow at first. His anecdotes are what make his muniment great, and the one he tells of his first encounters with his saucily schoolmates is one of my personal favorites. Cajals mother sends him off to his ne w town with a huge overcoat that used to be his fathers. It may not expect classical to us straightaway that the tails were a some inches longer than the style of the time, that this fact do Cajal the bearing of his classmates ridicule for some time. He earned himself an offensive call that the other children thought was hilarious. afterwards much taunting for days, Cajal contumacious that instead of taking this rag in good stride, he would assert himself by struggle back. He reflects on this sad decision and tells the ratifier of the awful beating he took. However, the am utilise part of the story is that not long after this terrible encounter, Cajal became best friends with one of his assailants. It is stories interchangeable these, not a mention of scientific achievements, which show us the most about who Cajal really is and why his life is worth translation about. Cajal was growing intellectually in his new environment. He began to show an interest in indication great Spanish novels such(prenominal) as! wear thin Quixote. In his early life, reading such novels was regarded by his father to be idle and thence forbidden pleasures. Cajals newfound interest in reading stuck with him for the rest of his life, and became more important as he entered the field of science. Cajal also grew more mischievious in his new environments. One of the scientific disciplines he certain was a great skill with the throw. He was known well-nigh the town and highly regarded by all of the children for his ability with the weapon. Cajal took his raillery too far, and after many of the townspeople who were terrorized by Cajal and his friends on a regular instauration complained, Cajal was sent back to his father. Justo Cajal made a harsh decision in punishing his son. Santiago Ramon y Cajal was to produce a barbers apprentice in a new location while continuing his studies. This may seem a little left over(p) to the new-fashioned endorser, alone Cajal is excellent in explaining his life t o the indorser. A barber was more like a doctor than the modern haircutting barber is. Being a barbers apprentice was a absolute thing for Cajal because it created his interest in treat that was to stick with him for the rest of his life. Cajal was not to be a barbershop apprentice for long. Again he established himself as a terror in his new environment. His ability with the sling erst again got him into trouble with the law. other of my favorite anecdotes in this defend is Cajals encounter with local patrol who tried to stop a fight amidst Cajals friends, and an enemy group of boys. Cajal is not automatic to submit to the four sword-bearing police officers. rather he flees and uses his sling to fight back. Cajal makes a narrow kindle escape. Cajal is such a great storyteller that he makes the reader support him even when he is breaking the law. Cajals father does not find his sons exploits as amusing as the reader does. The time comes again when he must punish his son. This time he decides to remove Cajal from ! his coiffure as a barbershop apprentice and change him to a deep-dish pies apprentice. Cajal is very disappointed by this and finds his new work dreadfully boring. Cajal however is very good at his new profession. He is a very talented and versatile small man. While reading this book, I could not help but to marvel at Cajals undreamt of ability to excel at any travail he was assigned. Cajal was getting older and wiser. His studies continued and with a new tutor, his very own father, he highly- demonstrable a wealth of anatomical and physiological knowledge. He examine his other subjects with zilch as well. Cajal finally stopped neglecting his studies and erudite to love subjects such as Geometry, Psychology, Calculus, and Physics. His studies were drawing to a almost and he soon ask roundd his bachelors degree. This new seriousness in study did not imagine the end of the troublemaking and mischievous Cajal. He continued in his playfulness, but even that began to develop a more scientific aspect. He designed a bounderish give the gatenon, which he used with his friends to destroy things. This got them into much trouble, but Cajal was sort of pleased with his mechanic achievement, which worked surprisingly well. Cajal also grew in surface and strength over these eld. He had always been one of the bulletproofest and most athletic boys in his town, but he soon met his match. Cajal met a boy who was far stronger than he, and of course Cajal, who was not one to assent macrocosm help best, strikeed to know the source of the boys secret strength. The classmate revealed to Cajal that middle schoolnastics was how he built such strength and speed. Cajal then spent the side by side(p) six months working in the gymnasium for two hours per day. He soon became the envy of the gym and at least as strong as his rival, in one case again showing the reader that he could be flourishing in anything he put his mind to. Soon after receiving h is bachelors degree, Cajals life took a new deputati! on. The Spanish military drafted him. Cajal was not the kind of man to ask for a frank assignment, but rather he insisted that he be sent off to the jungles of Cuba where he served as an regular army medic. Cajals knowledge of medicine was first tested here. His experiences in the army led his medical experience and prowess to grow crucially, but his time in the army was cut short by illness. He was sent back to Spain and had to pick a direction for his career. Cajal decided, after being highly influenced by his father, to pursue an donnish career. He study to rifle a doctor, and applied for professorships. He failed his first band of examinations, but as anyone who has read this book knows, Cajal is not the type of man to quit here. Instead he took the time to valuate his personal priorities and study habits, and upon his next testing, he succeeded greatly. He obtained the leave of descriptive anatomy at the University of Valencia. It was not long before the ex cellent science career of Cajal was to begin. Cajal divides his autobiography into two move, and this is where the warrantee half(prenominal) begins. It is hard for the reader to attain as potently with Cajal the scientist as with Cajal the rascal. As an adult we strike no more tales of mischievous exploits, but rather get highly descriptive scientific facts. Maybe when I am older and can appreciate the subdued life of the trusty Cajal as much as the exciting life of young Cajal, I allow reread this book and have a new low of it. The only downside to reading this book is my personal lack of a scientific base of knowledge strong enough to empathise all of Cajals complex scientific concepts. I feel that had I taken three of four more years of march on science classes before reading this book, the indorsement half would mean so much more to me. When at its most complicated, this half of Cajals autobiography is nothing more to me than a laundry list of incomprehensible facts. Cajals first original scientific work was with! look cells, and with the structure of the brain.
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He investigated a line of work which had been beat scientists from all countries of the humanness for years, and solved it by using canny tactics. It was known at that time that establishment cells had to draw to each other in some way, but scientists were barely to image out how. The brain, which was rich in intertangled nerve cells, appeared like a woods of weeds that could not be separate from each other. Cajal came up with the idea of looking at the forest in its early stages of growth. He visitd embryos of animals such as cats. He discovered that nerve cells have basket like endings by which one cell wisecrackes its m essage along to the next at a specific receptor end designed to receive such messages. Cajal did not simply discover these basket nerve endings, but he also applied them to the study of the eye. Cajals interest in optics was not new, but it developed from that instance in which he explored the camera obscura when he was still a little boy. Cajal was a scientist who was able to interpret data incredibly by idea other than than scientists had previously accepted. He made the tie inion between the studies he had completed on the brain and studies he had terminate on the retina, to show that optic nerves much connect in a criss-cross pattern, otherwise, human vision would be laterally reflected in each eye. Cajal was a man whose scientific knowledge was very vast. In the same year that he made significant discoveries in the field of neuroscience, which he is often assign with being the father of, he published a book on histology. He also had a continuing interest in medicine an d published a report on cholera. As well as being a g! reat laboratory scientist, Cajal was an excellent scientific lecturer and his art skills, which he developed as a young boy, made him a great scientific illustrator. His scientific, and occasional non-scientific, writings are highly alter with carefully illustrated diagrams created by the author. Cajal never had trouble making friends as a child, and this ability stayed with him through his adult years. In this book, Cajal negotiation fondly; he admires and even idolizes the other scientists of his time. As his work becomes more respected, and he grows as an important figure in the scientific world, Cajal meets more and more of the worlds most brilliant scientific minds. His descriptions of these men remind the reader of his boyhood days where he was so in awe of new things. He is so strike by these men that he does not try to be their equals he is just impressed to be mentioned with them. Cajals unobtrusiveness is usher in throughout all of his scientific life. Qualities like modesty, and his desire to learn, which we see Cajal developing through the early stages of the book, turn out to be the factors that make him a great man as well as a great scientist. Cajal began to work with the German scientist can Gehuchten in 1891, and together they made some very important discoveries. One of their most fire was the theory of the energizing polarisation of the neutron and their work with the spinal ganglia. Once again, Cajal took a new attempt by examining the cerebellum of birds, amphibians and reptiles, and when he did not find adapted patterns, he descended the animal scale even more and examines earthworms and mollusks. He discovered that the structural and chemical advancement in the edification of neurons came as a result of adaptation to ones environment, not as a product of evolution. He used this knowledge of neurons have with his previous work with basket nerve endings, to further examine the nerve endings of optic cells and determine d that they did not terminate in nets as previously t! hought, but in small bunches or knobs. Cajal made perhaps his most significant scientific discovery in 1903 when he began his work on the dappleing of offensive tissues. Completely by chance, after examining information put onwards by other scientist, Simarro, Cajal came up with his own method for in effect patch dying(p) tissues. He found a very simple and constant formula for situationing all parts of nervous cells; the neurofibrils, axons, and the nerve endings. Cajals expanded theories were not regarded in scientific circles as important at first, Cajal himself did not even think that they were important at first, but this turned out to be innovative ceremony ceremony. Upon Cajals further development and application of these techniques, the scientific world began to character the significance. This technique is one of the keystones for neuroscience. Before Cajals method it was impossible to stain and study specific parts of nervous tissue because the cells were so interconnected. Cajal shared the 1906 Nobel Prize in medicine for his discoveries pertaining to neuro staining. This was a great honor for him, but the modest Cajal did not believed it was an honor that he deserved. He did not want the added attention that went with being a Nobel Prize winner. It was especially stressful for him because he was the first histologist to win the prize for medicine. Consequently, Cajal spent much of the rest of his life crowing lectures and teaching rather than doing independent work. Cajal continued to do groundbreaking work, but he did not ever equal the course credit he received for his nervous system staining technique. Cajal had a great scientific career that spanned many decades and many important discoveries. He is rightfully called the father of neuroscience. Later in life, in addition to making new discoveries, he was able to pass his knowledge down to some highly regarded students who went on to become well known scientists thems elves. Cajal still lives on many years after his dea! th through the massive collection of scientific books and drawings that he left behind and also through his dumbfounding autobiography. Santiago Ramon y Cajal the scientist led a great life, but it was Santiago Ramon y Cajal the young man who left a lasting impression on me. Cajals anecdotes are entertaining and insightful. The reader follows his life and sees how his experiences help him develop as a man. Cajal is individual that I admire. He was talented in many handle and professions; he would have made a fine shoemaker or Barber had he stuck with it. He refused to be second best at anything. He had determination and incredible insights into how the world functions. Cajals desire to learn as a young man make him a great scientist as an older man. As well as being a great scientist and an enkindle person, Cajal is a great writer and this book is a seventh heaven to read. 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