
Monday, January 27, 2014

The Validity of the Nuremburg Trials

        The trials at Nuremberg were a demonstration of the actions taken against individuals responsible for shifting international law. This essay will examine the validity of those trials as an objective means of prosecuting criminals of war. The trials set a precedence that non unaccompanied could the aggressor of war be punished still in addition separate individuals responsible for such actions. Unlike in the initiatory World War when an entire country could be shout outed, the charges were laid on individual nation charge of crimes. The Nazis pathetic appalling treatment of the Jews was inhumane and included such crimes as being burnt alive, hanged and tortured. Some of the German leaders impeach were Ley, Hess, Goering, Fritzsche, Von Ribbentrop, Funk, Schacht, Jodl, Von Papen and Himmler. These leaders were accused of: The Common Plan or junto which included breaking treaties, planning wars of aggression, the persecution and murder of help less hatful; Crimes against Peace; War Crimes; Crimes against Humanity. The out bed of the Nuremberg trials set an example of the consequences should eachone repudiate the afore mentioned crimes.         In a time of war those who posses authority everywhere the people of a country must also abide by certain laws. Not all crimes committed are petty crimes, people who possess the power to destroy all persons home must also have limitations to the evil they key out do. There must be another method to natter those who have the power to manipulate people such as government officials, military personnel, and citizens. Nobody should have the freedom to do evil unto innocent people. The question of fairness of the victors judging the vanquished may be raised, an alternative would be to let those defeated come close themselves. After the First World War we learned the futility of the last mentioned course. Barring the imprisonment of these leaders do es... ! If you want to redeem a fully essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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