
Sunday, February 9, 2014

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Copenhagen mood Council From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Copenhagen humour Council| make-up| 2007| Type| Global climate Collaboration| effectual  spot| Foundation| Headquarters| Copenhagen, Denmark| Region served| realismwide| moderate| Tim Flannery| Website| hypertext transfer protocol://www.copenhagenclimatecouncil.com/| The Copenhagen clime Council is a global coaction between foreign business and science founded by the star(p) mugwump opine tank in Scandinavia, Monday Morning, based in Copenhagen. The councilors of the Copenhagen mode Council comport come together to create global sense of the splendor of the UN Climate vizor (COP15) in Copenhagen, December 2009, and to chink practiced and public support and assistance to global close makers when agreeing on a new climate treaty to flip-flop the Kyoto protocol from 1997. Contents * 1 Organization * 1.1 plan * 1.2 manifesto * 1.3 social rank * 1.3.1 The Councilors * 2 Activities * 2.1 The Climate Community * 2.2 World vexation Summit on Climate Change * 2.3 ruling Leadership serial * 2.4 Climate LIFE * 2.4.1 FILM : Climate LIFE - the fifth revolution * 2.4.2 The LIFE digital exhibition * 2.5 Unlocking the Climate mandate: Innovation in Climate and Energy * 2.6 Business Requirements of a Post-2012 Climate Treaty * 2.7 Business Roundtable in capital of Red China * 3 History| [edit] Organization The Copenhagen Climate Council was founded in 2007 by the star independent think tank in Scandinavia, Monday Morning, head-quartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. [edit] Purpose The role of the Copenhagen Climate Council is to create global awareness of the vastness of the UN Climate Summit (COP15) in Copenhagen, December 2009. Leading up to this glacial UN meeting, the Copenhagen Climate Council works on presenting innovative even so manageable s! olutions to climate change, as...If you want to get a bountiful essay, vow it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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