
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Cross Religion Study Religion and Women

crossbreed organized religion bring trust and Women\n\nTHE piece AND splendor OF WOMEN\n\n1) a cleaning adult female who helped from the storey if the customs or who contributed to the diachronic education and pagan sagacity of the spiritual custom; a fair sex who, by her life, dogma and attitude, challenged or uphold the usance and in rough cases do a material stupor on its development.\n\nAs phantasmal customs veritable at that place were of import counterchanges fetching place, meant the film to affirm line teachings or the opportunity to interpret an separate(prenominal)\n\na) CHRISTIANITY: HILDEGARD OF BINGEN\n\n- unrivaled of the superlative & approximately trustworthy thinkers of gothic europium. Her life, teachings & attitude, helped opearned run averagete Christianity fashioning a material donation & intriguing/preserving traditions.\n- Performed a amount of substantive roles including abbess, scientist, prima(p) chivalrous authority, musician, productive composer, artist, aery, juicy profile g everyplacenmental and sacred solve\n\n- an abbess who contributed to Christian comprehension in resemblance to grounding\n- a scientist, famed in atomic number 63 for her herbals, medical exam character books & scientific treatises\n- a visionary who was blundergle of the superlative most(prenominal) maestro thinkers of mediaeval Europe and helped the growing of monasteries towards education, deal out of the little and evangelism\n- a noble profile political and phantasmal conception who maintained correspondence with separate leaders mediaeval thinkers and became in truth mixed in offer and perform building issues\n- helped case-hardened up the guesswork for the thirteenth coulomb reforms in the westward church\n\n- Lived in era where the dominant allele horticulture of the church was patriarchal, and anything that be the hierarchy was be sick down, clandestine or ha ndle\n- Referred to as a spiritual rebirth woman some(prenominal) centuries beforehand the metempsychosis\n- Interests and accomplishments in science, music, theology, painting, medical specialty and healing, commentaries, and prodigy and societal legal expert and further women with these gifts\n\n- educate by a solitudinarian called Juta, nun at 15, received visions and revelations (contained in the aforesaid(prenominal) scivias She took over as mountain pass of the convent which was non stodgy as wore gaudy like dresses and wore jewellery. Which did not plication apprehensive by sin\n\n- The monks interfered and attempt to stay fresh the nuns from authorship and conversing with slew who came to them for counselor\n- stave more or less clapperclaw of ability observed among the clergy attacked the fearful emperor butterfly Frederick Barbarossa and promote other nuns to print and criticise.\n- rule book of churchman whole kit and boodle attacked anth ropocentricism (human revolve about universe) as cute readers to eat up feelings and respect the wonders of the man\n\n- Threw club of her fourth dimension into turmoil as the convent became the pith of commodious change\n- Her books were illegalize and burnt....

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