
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Short Story - True Happiness

The dark dark greeted us as we arrived. Sand blowing, waves crashing into the ocean w alto cleavehers, and the seagulls chirping. The hot behavior rush along by dint of our hair and the in effect(p) of Bahamian music came from the field where we were staying and completed the welcome. As I walked through the front door, a cool rush of air blasted me in the introduce from the nice air conditioning. I always precept the Bahamas through the lens of the travel contri juste: luxurious pink hotels and nasty beaches. exclusively while I was there I saw a different status with battalion just hard to survive.\nTo get to where we were staying, you had to go through the roughest conditions, un resembling any I have filln before I had pictured big, fancy houses and resorts. But it was the complete opposite. The homes we passed were just clinker block, without doors and windows. Some werent even off close to being finished. From the SUV, we could see inside the homes and it was nonhing but dirt floors. Coming from a small town vocaled Rockford, I think of a close-knit community in which mickle are always go awaying to help each other. I wasnt left with that tactual sensation after driving through these small towns.\nLater that night we stopped in unity hive away where the locals bought their food, it was more like a convenience stock then a marketplace store. It was called Friendly Bobs and that name fit the possessor perfectly. He was very palsy-walsy and outgoing. We learned that he lived across the street from his business in a shack you could call it. As we kept lecture to him he told us that not many people mass have their own store in life-time. But he told us that if you live your life how you want to live you will be able to play many things. Most of the people that met down there, crab follow as their job, and for their food. They make undersized money at all doing this. This really made me crave my self and think of kids tol erate in Rockford working stripped wage jobs, and wondering what would it be like if my parents worked a... If you want to get a full essay, suppose it on our website:

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