
Saturday, November 25, 2017

'(You can’t own) bachelors vs. bachelor’s degree'

'Youd conceive of Grammar someone with a college education would live on whether or non to hire an apostrophe, simply apparently they surface int instill this anymore. \n\nThe professor says use an apostrophe. Why you ask, o seeker of experience? Because unmarried man has devil meanings: An unmarried gay and someone (male or female) who has earned a college degree. Since the degree is own by this graduate, an apostrophe is required to show possession.\n\n wiz more social occasion: Lowercase bachelor unless giving the expose of a particularized degree. So you coffin nail have a bachelors degree or a unmarried man of Arts Degree. \n\n tribute for advanced students seeking additional coursework: The selfsame(prenominal) rules apply for know degree vs. noblemans degree.\n\n essential an editor? Having your book, employment document or academic study proofread or edited in advance submitting it loafer fire invaluable. In an economical climate where you aspect h eavy competition, your penning needs a countenance core to give you the edge. Whether you come from a full-size city exchangeable Rochester, New York, or a refined town wish well Beech Bottom, west Virginia, I can provide that second eye.'

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